Figure 8: Extract from Bowland Maths Professional Development
This shows part of one of the five modules, entitled Tackling Unstructured Problems. Readers in the UK can access the complete PD resource from the Bowland Maths website.
- Screen from the online/DVD resource
- Example task
- Handbook: module overview
- Handbook: introductory session
- Handbook: into the classroom
- Handbook: follow-up session
Screen shot
The PD module is video led, with extensive footage of lessons and teachers discussing the issue with peers. Hyperlinks provide access to the handouts and other printable material.
Example task
Each module includes several example tasks which embody the pedagogical issues raised in the module.

Module overview
This is from the printable handbook, and shows the overview of the module - note the "sandwich" model: two PD sessions between which the teachers try out the ideas in their classroom.

Introductory session
Most modules begin with teachers taking a detailed look at some example tasks, and then watching video of them being used in lessons.

Into the classroom
After the introductory session, teachers try one of the example activities with their own class. A suggested lesson plan is provided as a starting point.

Follow-up session
Having taught a lesson, teachers meet again to compare notes and reflect on the implications for their practise.
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