Christian Schunn, PhD, is a Senior Scientist at the Learning Research and Development Center and a Professor of Psychology, Learning Sciences and Policy, and Intelligent Systems at the University of Pittsburgh. He has lead educational design work around innovative STEM instructional units, assessments of scientific sensemaking in secondary students, attitude survey instruments, and teacher formative and summative evaluation tools. His current research interests include improvement science applied to instruction (developing and studying practical measurement systems), web-based peer interaction and instruction (especially for writing instruction), STEM learning (factors preventing and enabling equity of outcomes), and engagement and learning (especially psycho-social interventions that transform classroom outcomes). He was twice the Chair of the Executive of the International Society for Design & Development in Education, as well as a Fellow of several scientific societies (AAAS, APA, APS). He has served on two National Academy of Engineering committees, K-12 Engineering Education and K-12 Engineering Education Standards. Finally, he has launched a startup called Peerceptiv that is based upon his research on technology-based peer assessment in high school and college settings.
Educational Designer
Editorial & Contact details
Contact Details
1Educational Designer is an open-access online journal published by the International Society for Design and Development in Education (
For technical problems, please contact Daniel Pead.
If you are interested in contributing, please read the Guide to contributors before sending anything.
The Editors
2As of February 2024, the Educational Designer editorial team is:
Editor-in-chief |
Christian Schunn,University of Pittsburgh |
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Assistant Editor |
Róisín Neururer, University College Dublin |
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Associate Editors | Dor Abrahamson, University of California, Berkeley |
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Frans van Galen, Freudental Institute |
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Wout Ottevanger |
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Design Editor | Daniel Pead |
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About the Editors
UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics
University College Dublin
Roisin Neururer is a PhD researcher in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at University College Dublin. Her research interests are in post-primary mathematics education with a focus on problem-solving, curriculum reform and teacher professional development. She holds an MSc in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory jointly from Université Paris-Sud and Unviersità degli Studi di Padova and an MA in Education from the University of Nottingham. Prior to commencing her PhD research, Róisín qualified as a post-primary mathematics teacher and taught for 3 years in the UK. She holds a Government of Ireland post-graduate scholarship for her PhD research.
4649 Tolman Hall, MC #1670
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-1670, USA
Dor Abrahamson (PhD, Learning Sciences, Northwestern University) is Associate Professor in the Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology program , part of the Cognition and Development area in the Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley. Dor directs the Embodied Design Research Laboratory where they conduct design research on mathematical cognition and instruction. The lab’s work is inspired by constructivist/enactivist and sociocultural theory.
At the core of Abrahamson's practice are cognitive domain re-analyses of foundational mathematical content with an eye on creating learning materials and activities. This research program also informs emerging frameworks guiding the design of learning materials and activities. Abrahamson has worked mostly on the concepts of proportion probability, and algebra, and his artifacts include both traditional media, such as a tubful of marbles, and recent technologies, such as embodied-interaction via remote-sensors or agent-based simulations of stochastic phenomena from a complexity perspective.
Freudenthal Institute
PO Box 85.170
3508 AD Utrecht
the Netherlands
Frans van Galen is a senior curriculum developer at the Freudenthal institute. He has a wide range of expertise in the area of mathematics education and the use of computers. He has been author of an RME textbook series for Dutch primary schools, and was involved in the development of the textbook series for the American Middle School "Mathematics in Contexts". He is a key designer for many of the Institute's educational applets and a developer of interactive content for educational publishers.
Wout Ottevanger has recently retired from a regular position at the Netherlands institute for curriculum development, SLO, where his work consisted of both development work (new science curriculum framework for junior secondary phase) and research work. The latter mostly monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the new science curriculum in senior secondary schools in the Netherlands. Wout also spent part of his working life in Africa in cooperation programmes with local universities and ministries. He lived and worked in Zambia (as a teacher), Swaziland (as a chemistry lecturer and science teacher educator), Namibia (as advisor to the ministry) and Botswana (as a chemistry lecturer and in-service teacher educator). Wout’s doctoral thesis was on the development and evaluation of curriculum materials to assist teachers implementing a new science curriculum in Namibia.
Daniel Pead was formerly a Senior Research Fellow in the University of Nottingham, and Technical Director of the Shell Centre and MARS teams. His 2010 PhD considered the design challenges involved in the computer-based assessment of mathematics. He led the original design of the computer-based problem-solving materials for the World Class Tests/Arena project, and contributed to the design and development of professional development materials and interactive learning applets for the Bowland Maths initiative and is part of the team producing the Math Assessment Project formative and summative assessment materials. He also created the current websites for Bowland Maths, the Math Assessment Project, The Mathematics Improvement Network and Educational Designer.
Past Editors-in-chief
4Previous Educational Designer were edited by:
- Hugh Burkhardt, Shell Centre for Maths Education, Nottingham, UK
- Susan McKenney, University of Twente, NL
- Kaye Stacey, University of Melbourne
…with the help and support of many others, not least the authors of the articles.