30 Design Strategies and Tactics from 40 Years of Investigation
Appendix: Further information and examples
The Box Model
This model takes the idea of replacement units further, exemplifying complete alignment in a single package of materials. This package contains test task exemplars for a high-stakes examination + teaching materials + materials to guide teachers' do-it-yourself professional development in their school. All the elements were designed by the same team. It adds WYTIWYG to replacement units.
Testing Strategic Skills
Testing Strategic Skills (TSS) was the project that introduced this. Driven by What You Test is What You Get, fully aligned support for a specific change was the key strategic design goal of the project.

Link to the LFG materials

Link to the PPN materials
Each TSS module supported teachers with:
- tasks that exemplify the new task type to come into the examination in the following year, with teaching hints, solutions and scored examples of student work. There must be enough task exemplars to show something of the variety to be expected from year to year in the examination. Scoring schemes and sample student work give deeper understanding. Handwritten student work helps build teachers confidence that "my kids could do that".
- teaching materials for the corresponding three weeks of teaching. The lesson materials must be designed for teachers moving onto unfamiliar ground, which means explicit detailed guidance. The essential pedagogical changes are on the inside of the back cover.
- professional development materials to support do-it-yourself sessions among teachers within a school, focused on the new pedagogical and mathematical challenges involved in the module. The DIY PD materials should be designed to focus on the new mathematical and pedagogical challenges, working through enjoyable discussion activities linked to the lessons.
All three elements were designed by the same joint Shell Centre-JMB team, which also designed the tasks for the 'live' examinations.
Links to materials:
- The Language of Functions and Graphs
- https://www.mathshell.com/materials.php?series=tss&item=lfg
- Problems with Patterns and Numbers
- https://www.mathshell.com/materials.php?series=tss&item=ppn
Numeracy Through Problem Solving

Link to Numeracy Through Problem Solving materials
The Numeracy Through Problem Solving modules – another part of the TSS initiative aimed at a broader ability range – used the same ‘box model’ but with individual student books and other physical props added to the contents: for example dice, counters and exemplar bad board games in the Design a Board Game module.
Links to materials:
- Numeracy through Problem Solving
- https://www.mathshell.com/materials.php?series=numeracy